
Council Meetings (Question): Problem of manpower shortage in the RCHE sector and importation of labour(2013.02.19)

Mr CHAN Kin-por expressed concern about the provision of occupational therapists (“OTs”) and physiotherapists (“PTs”) for the RCHE sector and the standards of the relevant training programmes. Noting that there was only a limited student intake of the Bachelor of Science (Hons) OT and Bachelor of Science (Hons) PT programmes currently offered by the Hong …

Council Meetings (Question): Problem of manpower shortage in the RCHE sector and importation of labour(2013.02.19) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Shortage of hostel places for students of tertiary institutions(2013.01.09)

Question: It has been reported that the eight tertiary institutions funded by the University Grants Committee have all encountered the problem of tight supply of student hostel places. To provide 2 400 new hostel places, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is implementing a project for the construction of five student hostel blocks. However, two …

Council Meetings (Question): Shortage of hostel places for students of tertiary institutions(2013.01.09) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Enforcement strategy in relation to recent unauthorized building works cases with major public concerns(2013.01.07)

Mr CHAN Kin-por observed that as the regulatory regime for UBWs had kept on changing in response to developments in society, some minor works contractors could not tell with certainty the scope and types of minor works which did not require BA’s prior approval. He suggested that BD should take action to enhance the technical …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Enforcement strategy in relation to recent unauthorized building works cases with major public concerns(2013.01.07) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Waste reduction through municipal solid waste charging(2012.12.18)

Mr CHAN Kin-por stated that as waste charging would incentivize the community to reduce and recycle waste, he failed to see the need to offset waste charges by rates reduction as such would defeat the intended purpose of waste charging. Besides, considerable administrative costs would be incurred by the offsetting arrangements. He opined that the …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Waste reduction through municipal solid waste charging(2012.12.18) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Charitable Bodies Operating Private Hospitals(2012.12.12)

Quite a number of middle-class people have relayed to me their dissatisfaction that while they hope to have access to the quality healthcare service of local private hospitals, the significant increase in service charges in recent years has deterred them from doing so and they can only seek medical treatment in public hospitals instead. Most …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Charitable Bodies Operating Private Hospitals(2012.12.12) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Employee Choice Arrangement under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes(2012.10.24)

Follow-up Question on the Employee Choice Arrangement under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Mr. President, I understand the public concern about the level of the administration fees of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes, but I think it can only be reduced if the operating cost of the MPF scheme can be reduced. That can be achieved …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Employee Choice Arrangement under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes(2012.10.24) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): The Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Amount of Insurance Cover) Notice(2012.10.24)

Hon CHAN Kin-por to ask: The Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Amount of Insurance Cover) Notice, made under the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Compulsory Third Party Risks Insurance) Regulation (Cap. 548 sub. leg. H), stipulates that the amounts of minimum liability cover for a local vessel carrying more than 12 or up to 12 fare-paying passengers …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): The Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Amount of Insurance Cover) Notice(2012.10.24) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Legislating for Standard Working Hours(2012.07.11)

Hon KP Chan said that while he was supportive of the proposal to legislate for standard working hours, he concurred that the issue warranted detailed study in view of its complexity and wide implications on business operations. He considered that in addition to basic conceptual issues such as the objective of regulating working hours and …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Legislating for Standard Working Hours(2012.07.11) Read More »

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