
Council Meetings (Oral Question): Conflict of Interests of HKMA Management after Departure(2010.11.17)

Chan Kin-por: I would like to ask the Financial Secretary, apart from the notification period and the control period, has the Government put in place any legislation or measures to ensure that senior staff of the HKMA, who have taken up new employment in another organizations upon leaving the HKMA, will not make use of …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Conflict of Interests of HKMA Management after Departure(2010.11.17) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Multiple Measures in Policy Address to Enhance Private Building Management(2010.11.03)

Following is an oral question on enhancing private building management by the Hon Chan Kin-por and a reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, in the Legislative Council on November 3: Question: The Chief Executive has announced in the policy address just delivered that the Government will adopt a number of measures …

Council Meetings (Question): Multiple Measures in Policy Address to Enhance Private Building Management(2010.11.03) Read More »

Motion of Thanks for the 2010-11 Policy Address (on Housing, Policyholders’ Protection Fund, IA Independence & RMB)(2010.10.27)

Speech of the Hon KP Chan on housing, insurance and RMB policies on the motion of thanks for the Policy Address at the Legislative Council meeting on October 27, 2010 (Synopsis) MR PRESIDENT, this year’s Policy Address is heading at the right direction to refocus on livelihood issues like housing and helping the poor.  However, …

Motion of Thanks for the 2010-11 Policy Address (on Housing, Policyholders’ Protection Fund, IA Independence & RMB)(2010.10.27) Read More »

Motion on “The Business Sector’s Feeling in the Octopus Incident”(2010.10.22)

The Hon KP Chan expressed the following views on the proposal of the Hon James TO Kun-sun concerning the appointment of a select committee to inquire into issues relating to the transfer of customers’ personal data by commercial organizations during the House Committee meeting on October 22: Mr CHAN Kin-por said that the business sector …

Motion on “The Business Sector’s Feeling in the Octopus Incident”(2010.10.22) Read More »

Motion on “Ensure a Genuine 2nd Round Consultation for the Independent Insurance Authority”(2010.10.21)

The Deputy Chairman [KP Chan] said that the Administration had promised the insurance sector a second round consultation on the IIA proposals. The sector was worried that the Administration would simply take forward the proposal without taking into account its feedback when finalizing the legislative proposals. He sought the Administration’s assurance that the second round …

Motion on “Ensure a Genuine 2nd Round Consultation for the Independent Insurance Authority”(2010.10.21) Read More »

Motion on “Legislative Proposal and Timetable of the Policyholders’ Protection Fund”(2010.10.21)

The Deputy Chairman [KP Chan] asked when the Administration would announce the legislative proposal for introduction of the Policyholder’s Protection Fund (PPF), and what the legislative timetable was. SFST said that an actuarial consultancy study was underway which involved compilation and analysis of voluminous actuarial data. Meanwhile, the Administration had actively engaged the insurance sector …

Motion on “Legislative Proposal and Timetable of the Policyholders’ Protection Fund”(2010.10.21) Read More »

Motion on “Proposed Establishment of an Independent Insurance Authority”(2010.10.12)

KP Chan commented the following during the discussion on the proposed establishment of an independent Insurance Authority: “Regulation of one sector by two regulatory bodies”Mr CHAN Kin-por remarked that the merit of regulating the insurance industry under a single regulator, including the sale of insurance products in banks, was consistency in regulatory standards and enforcement …

Motion on “Proposed Establishment of an Independent Insurance Authority”(2010.10.12) Read More »

Motion on “Concerns on the Establishment of an Independent Insurance Authority”(2010.07.19)

Summary of the Hon Chan Kin-por’s remarks at the Panel on Financial Affairs (July 19th, 2010) regarding the proposal on the establishment of the Independent IA (IIA): In principle, I support the proposal on the establishment of the independent IA as it will result in better regulated insurance companies and the better protection of the …

Motion on “Concerns on the Establishment of an Independent Insurance Authority”(2010.07.19) Read More »

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