
Council Meetings (Oral Question): Capital Investment Entrant Scheme Listing Particular Insurance Products (2009.07.08)

Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, to a question by the Hon Chan Kin-por in the Legislative Council today (July 8): Question: The insurance sector has all along hoped that the Government will list particular insurance products (e.g. products which are investment-linked or with saving element) …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Capital Investment Entrant Scheme Listing Particular Insurance Products (2009.07.08) Read More »

Motion on “Government Proposed Framework for the Establishment of a Policyholders’ Protection Fund”(2009.06.29)

The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau/Office of the Commissioner of Insurance will submit the “Proposed Framework for the Establishment of a Policyholders’ Protection Fund in Hong Kong” to the LegCo Panel of Financial Affairs on 6 July 2009. Please visit I will actively push the legislation and the launch of the Policyholders’ Protection …

Motion on “Government Proposed Framework for the Establishment of a Policyholders’ Protection Fund”(2009.06.29) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Driving under the Influence of Drugs(2009.05.27)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, we can see from the main reply that various places in the world, including Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, have enacted different laws and regulations to regulate “drug driving”. Since drug abuse has been rampant in Hong Kong in recent years, I wish to ask …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Driving under the Influence of Drugs(2009.05.27) Read More »

Question Raised in the Chief Executive’s Question and Answer Session(2009.05.14)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Chief Executive, Star Insurance Company Limited (Star Insurance) was found to be in financial difficulties and has gone into provisional liquidation. Fortunately, Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) has adopted a series of measures which include retaining its $200 million guarantee and restricting its scale of operation. However, most …

Question Raised in the Chief Executive’s Question and Answer Session(2009.05.14) Read More »

Motion on “Study Issues with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority”(2009.05.06)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, the motion and the amendments proposed by Members today are addressing issues related to the functions and the staffing structure of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) respectively, and lots of comments and criticisms have been put forward. Also, Honourable colleagues who spoke have voiced many different points of …

Motion on “Study Issues with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority”(2009.05.06) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Research and Consultation on an Independent Insurance Authority(2009.04.29)

Following is a question by the Hon Chan Kin-por and a written reply by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor K C Chan, in the Legislative CouncilApril 29: Question: It is learnt that the Government is now conducting a study on the establishment of an Insurance Authority (IA) independent from the government …

Council Meetings (Question): Research and Consultation on an Independent Insurance Authority(2009.04.29) Read More »

Debate at the Second Reading of the Appropriations Bill of 2009-2010(2009.04.02)

Good morning, President, Members and Government officials. The Financial Secretary pointed out in the Budget that Hong Kong’s economy as a whole would slide into recession amid the financial tsunami and the Budget was to propose a series of measures to tackle the problems. However, the Budget has unexpectedly caused much controversy in the community …

Debate at the Second Reading of the Appropriations Bill of 2009-2010(2009.04.02) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Addressing Problems Caused by Claim Recovery Agents(2009.02.18)

Following is a question by the Hon Chan Kin-por and a written reply by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC, in the Legislative Council (February 18): Question: It has been reported that some recovery agents (“RAs”) (i.e. organisations which assist victims, usually of personal injury cases, in recovering damages in return for …

Council Meetings (Question): Addressing Problems Caused by Claim Recovery Agents(2009.02.18) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Service Industry Cooperation in the PRD Region and Hong Kong(2009.02.18)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): My supplementary question is: What progress has there been with regard to the Government’s discussion with the Mainland on lowering the threshold for Hong Kong’s insurance industry to enter the Mainland market (including Guangdong Province)? SECRETARY FOR COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (in Cantonese): I would like to thank Mr CHAN …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Service Industry Cooperation in the PRD Region and Hong Kong(2009.02.18) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Insurance Industry’s Exploration into the Mainland Insurance Market(2008.12.17)

Question: Quite a number of members of the insurance industry have relayed to me that as the economic and trade relationship between Guangdong and Hong Kong is getting closer, the industry wishes to provide insurance services to Hong Kong businessmen operating in the Mainland and also have further exchange with the insurance industry of the …

Council Meetings (Question): Insurance Industry’s Exploration into the Mainland Insurance Market(2008.12.17) Read More »

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