
Motion on “Proactively responding to national development strategies by following up on the development of the Northern Metropolis” (2024.01.10)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. The Northern Metropolis is the most strategically valuable development for Hong Kong’s future. It serves as a major engine for Hong Kong’s industrial restructuring, and even as a “through train” for integration into the country’s overall development and connection with the Greater Bay Area. According to the …

Motion on “Proactively responding to national development strategies by following up on the development of the Northern Metropolis” (2024.01.10) Read More »

Motion on “Giving full play to the role of China-capital enterprises to promote Hong Kong’s integration into the overall development of the country” (2023.11.07)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. It is fair to say that a lot of credit goes to China-capital enterprises for their painstaking contribution to Hong Kong. They have been striving ahead arm in arm with us. At present, there are already more than 4 000 China-capital enterprises in Hong Kong serving in …

Motion on “Giving full play to the role of China-capital enterprises to promote Hong Kong’s integration into the overall development of the country” (2023.11.07) Read More »


多謝代理主席,我發言支持《2023年區旗及區徽(修訂)條例草案》(“《條例草案》”)。 今次修訂工作,主要將《區旗及區徽條例》的原則及內容,與《國旗及國徽條例》和《國歌條例》看齊,目的是維護區旗及區徽的尊嚴,同時列明區旗及區徽的正確用途。 區旗、區徽是香港的象徵,保護區旗、區徽是每個香港人的義務與責任。與國旗、國徽及國歌一樣,區旗、區徽體現了香港和祖國的關係,體現“一國兩制”的獨特憲政框架,亦是對國家主權及國家尊嚴的尊重。所以這次修訂工作對香港有重大意義,我支持所有建議,並希望盡快落實,以填補目前法例上的漏洞。 今次《條例草案》同樣規定將區旗及區徽納入中小學教育中。事實上,透過法例促使市民保護區旗及區徽,有其必要性,但我更希望香港人由心而發,衷心愛護國旗及國徽、區旗及區徽,而非因為法例的罰則,這方面便需要教育當局的努力。 今次《條例草案》同樣規定將區旗及區徽納入中小學教育中。事實上,透過法例促使市民保護區旗及區徽,有其必要性,但我更希望香港人由心而發,衷心愛護國旗及國徽、區旗及區徽,而非因為法例的罰則,這方面便需要教育當局的努力。 談到這方面,我們不妨學習美國的做法,美國人自小就接受教育,以身為美國人感到驕傲,所以他們特別尊重國旗及國歌。而韓國、日本亦利用類似方法教導學生。香港亦應該教育學生,以身為中國人感到驕傲,我們國家是從未中斷的古文明,傳統文化造就了極璀璨的成就,而且今天國家現代化、科技化,以及龐大的脫貧工程,均被喻為近代人類奇蹟,這些都是值得大家引以為榮的事。只是近年西方不斷抹黑,有不少人都看不到真象,教育當局就需要教學生了解真象,從而培養以國家為榮的情操。 此外,有議員擔心,市民可能因為不了解法例內容,因而誤墮法網,例如錯誤將區旗、區徽丟棄在垃圾桶內。事實上,局方已經清楚解釋,真真正正違反法例需要有犯罪意圖,並強調“唔小心就唔係蓄意”,不應該受罰。事實上,一個人是否蓄意侮辱國旗及國徽,他的侮辱行為應該十分容易分辨出來。舉例來說,焚燒、損毀、塗鴉、踐踏區旗、區徽,一般人根本不會做,所以大家不需要擔心會誤墮法網。 主席,我謹此陳辭。

Motion on “Accelerating the construction of community facilities for a smart city and bridging the digital divide” (2023.11.09)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. In recent years, Hong Kong has been striving to develop into a smart city. It has formulated the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong, which draws up six major development plans. The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau is working hard to take forward various tasks, and we …

Motion on “Accelerating the construction of community facilities for a smart city and bridging the digital divide” (2023.11.09) Read More »

Motion on “Maximizing the effectiveness of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and promoting the synergistic development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” (2023.06.07)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (“HZMB”), the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge-cum-immersed tube tunnel structure, was completed in 2018 and was once rated by foreign media as one of the “seven wonders in the modern world”. However, it can be said to have come at a wrong time as …

Motion on “Maximizing the effectiveness of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and promoting the synergistic development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” (2023.06.07) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Tourism Development Planning for Hong Kong (2021.10.20)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): The CTD Plan for GBA proposes to progressively promote the development of international cruise terminals in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, enhance complementarity of each other’s strengths, promote sharing of sources of tourists, as well as strengthen collaboration. The cruise terminals in these three places allow 220 000-ton mega cruise …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Tourism Development Planning for Hong Kong (2021.10.20) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Fire service installations and equipment(2013.05.08)

Question: A Number 4 alarm fire broke out at South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau on April 11 this year. It has been reported that the firefighting efforts encountered difficulties, including fire appliances being unable to enter the access roads in the vicinity of the fire scene, insufficient water pressure from the building’s fire hydrants, as …

Council Meetings (Question): Fire service installations and equipment(2013.05.08) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Enforcement strategy in relation to recent unauthorized building works cases with major public concerns(2013.01.07)

Mr CHAN Kin-por observed that as the regulatory regime for UBWs had kept on changing in response to developments in society, some minor works contractors could not tell with certainty the scope and types of minor works which did not require BA’s prior approval. He suggested that BD should take action to enhance the technical …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Enforcement strategy in relation to recent unauthorized building works cases with major public concerns(2013.01.07) Read More »

Speech on Announcement of the Discovery of Seawall Remains at Harcourt Garden(2012.11.27)

Mr CHAN Kin-por said while the professional views of the archaeologist engaged by MTRCL that the heritage value of the remains was relatively low should be respected, he considered it more desirable for MTRCL to announce the discovery of the remains, regardless of its heritage value, at the earliest stage to avoid arousing public suspicions. …

Speech on Announcement of the Discovery of Seawall Remains at Harcourt Garden(2012.11.27) Read More »

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