MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, on behalf of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC), I present its sixth Report since its incorporation in 2009. This Report covers the work of the IPCC in the financial year from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.
In the year 2014-2015, the IPCC scrutinized and endorsed the findings of 2 241 complaint cases involving 4 088 allegations, a decrease of 13.5% and 3.8% respectively over the previous year. During this period, the three most common allegations were “Neglect of Duty” (with 2 082 counts), “Misconduct/Improper Manner/Offensive Language” (with 1 376 counts) and “Assault” (with 291 counts). These three types of allegations accounted for 91.7% of all allegations made in 2014-2015.
Of the allegations endorsed in 2014-2015, 1 309 were fully investigated. Of these, 76 were classified as “Substantiated”; 51 “Substantiated Other Than Reported”; 26 “Not Fully Substantiated”; 560 “Unsubstantiated”; 522 “No Fault” and 74 “False”. These figures also include 167 allegations of which classification was changed from that earlier conducted by the Police following queries raised by the IPCC. In 2014-2015, the IPCC raised a total of 727 queries or suggestions in respect of the cases endorsed. Among them, 431 queries or suggestions were accepted by the Police.
Under the Observers Scheme, 2 259 observations were conducted in 2014-2015, a decrease of 8.6% over the previous year. During the reporting period, the IPCC also interviewed four persons to seek clarification from them on matters relating to the investigation reports.
As the Occupy incident occurred during the reporting period, over 100 Reportable Complaints were generated. In respect of the Occupy incident, the IPCC held special in-house meetings with several groups who were concerned about the Police’s enforcement actions. On the day of the clearance operation, the IPCC conducted an onsite observation. In the light of the prevailing social environment, the IPCC, being an independent organ monitoring the handling of complaints by the Police, has an even more important role to play. It will continue to scrutinize each complaint case independently and impartially on the basis of facts and evidence.
President, on behalf of the IPCC, I wish to take the opportunity of tabling this Report in this Council to thank this Council and other stakeholders for their support of the IPCC’s work.
President, I so submit.