Motion on “Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 2016” (2016.07.07)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Deputy President, just now Mr LEE Cheuk-yan said that since Dr LEUNG Ka-lau was a functional constituency Member, therefore we should abolish the functional constituency if we were discontented with his acts. I hope Members will not blame the functional constituency because of the acts of Dr LEUNG Ka-lau. If Members consider that the act of making unceasing request for a headcount is unacceptable, I hope Mr LEE Cheuk-yan and other Members who are opposing the functional constituency should be aware of the fact that it was the acts of directly elected Members that have caused the abortion of a dozen or more meetings in recent years. Should we abolish direct elections? In fact, a lot of Members returned from functional constituency have been working wholeheartedly to deliver their duties, including Mr Tony TSE, Mr MA Fung-kwok, Mr YIU Si-wing, as well as many other functional constituency Members. As the name list is too lengthy, I am unable to introduce them one by one. (Laughter)

In fact, in the same manner as directly elected Members, the performance of Members from the functional constituency has become better and better. Unfortunately, some other Members are letting the public down in all aspects. However, I ascribe such to personal behaviour, which has nothing to do with their status as functional constituency Members or directly elected Members. For that reason, Members should not make functional constituency the scapegoat arbitrarily. Everyone knows that the problem we are now facing is the problem of the system ― the problem of the system of the Legislative Council, the problem arising from the requests for a headcount by way of ringing the summoning bell. We should face the problem squarely instead of blaming the functional constituency arbitrarily.

In fact, filibuster is not the only way to express the concerns of the trade. Earlier, I made an effort to meet with various Members on behalf of the trade and do the lobbying work since the amendments to the Bill relating to the core funds of the Mandatory Provident Fund were detrimental to the trade. As a result, we finally came up with an acceptable solution which was supported by Members with the concession of the trade. For that reason, I consider that we should spend more time on discussion instead of delaying the meetings by filibustering because the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes. Even if we can drag it for a few more months, what is to be done next? It will be passed within the first two or three months of the next term of Legislative Council. Why should we do such senseless things? Therefore, I hope Members will allow us to have more time to discuss the issue because the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes. Therefore, I will absolutely oppose the adjournment motion. Thank you, Deputy President.

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