Motion on “Enhancing Teachers’ Qualifications to Effectively Implement Education on Patriotism” (2022.06.01)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. The cause of the “black-clad violence” incident in Hong Kong in 2019 is very complicated, but one of the important facts is that thousands of secondary school students and university students were arrested. The level of student participation is shocking, which makes one wonder what has gone wrong with the education system in Hong Kong. Many thanks to Mr TANG Fei for proposing this motion today so that we can discuss how we can set things right and thereby implement education on patriotism.

Figures show that over the past two years, the Education Bureau has received a total of 445 complaints involving the professional misconduct of teachers, with most of them being related to the “black-clad violence”. Not all investigations have been completed yet, but more than 230 cases have been established, and the registration of 6 teachers has been cancelled. In fact, misconduct by teachers is a very serious accusation, and the hundreds of complaints are indeed alarming. However, I believe it is still only the tip of the iceberg, as the actual situation is much more serious.

Therefore, I support the original motion to set up an advisory committee on teachers’ conduct, update the Code for the Education Profession of Hong Kong, and ensure smooth channels for complaints about misconduct by teachers. At the same time, we also have to ensure that teachers have the correct sense of nationhood, otherwise how can teachers teach their students to have the noble sentiments of loving the country and Hong Kong if they fail to set a good example? Therefore, to have a comprehensive understanding of the national affairs, Hong Kong’s affairs and the Basic Law, teachers must attend training on national affairs and visit the Mainland regularly to witness the real development of the country themselves.

In fact, the country has entered into a fast-paced development mode. It has made amazing achievements in terms of economy, and its infrastructure facilities are as good as they get. Its social system strives for fairness and justice, with emphasis being placed on combating corruption. Environmental protection is also pursued when developing technologies. These are the reasons for the rise of the country. However, most of these misconducted teachers have not returned to the Mainland to understand the situation and know nothing about the country, so they are incited by external forces to do some acts opposing the Central Authorities and causing disturbance to the law and order of Hong Kong. Leaving aside the problem of misconducted teachers, it is a must for our next generation to integrate into the development of the country and build up their identity as Chinese citizens, and all teachers should attend training on national affairs and visit the Mainland regularly.

In addition, I think that a special section on international relations should be included in the training courses for teachers on national affairs, so as to enable them to understand the international situation and how the Western countries are besieging China. In addition to addressing the problems and difficulties relating to the livelihood, housing and employment for 1.4 billion people, the country has to face the military intimidation of the Western powers, as well as economic attacks and sanctions, which is not easy at all. Therefore, teachers should understand the current international situation and the overwhelming pressure the country is facing. If not handled properly, there will be a very great crisis for the country and Hong Kong, and even the whole world will be in a state of tension. I believe that if teachers and students fully understand these truths, they will naturally love the country and Hong Kong more.

Thank you, President.

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