Council Meetings (Oral Question): Implementation of New Nature Conservation Policy (2016.05.18)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, according to the Annex to the main reply, the sixth item of the Nature Conservation Management Agreement Projects is located in Fung Yuen, Tai Po. The project has an area for management of 2 hectares, for which about $5 million in funding has been approved. May I ask the Secretary to explain why the eighth item, a 700-hectare site located at Deep Bay Wetland, has only been approved an amount of about $4.9 million? What are the authorities’ criteria for vetting and approval? Why is there such a big difference?

SECRETARY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (in Cantonese): President, I thank the Member for the supplementary question. In my opinion, each conservation project has its own specifics, and I may not be able to give the details of each of them here. However, according to my understanding, regarding the input of conservation efforts to a particular site, the NPOs concerned would submit a proposal for the Government’s vetting and approval based on factors such as the area of the site and the conservation work needed for the site. Hence, this is an

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