
Motion on “Embracing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress to Further Develop Hong Kong” (2022.11.09)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. I am grateful to Dr Dennis LAM for proposing today’s motion, which gives Members an opportunity to study and discuss the spirit of the 20th National Congress, and the development opportunities presented by the 20th National Congress to Hong Kong. I support today’s motion. The 20th …

Motion on “Embracing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress to Further Develop Hong Kong” (2022.11.09) Read More »

Motion on “Expediting the Development of Green Transformation in Hong Kong” (2022.11.03)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. I am very grateful to Dr TAN Yueheng for proposing today’s motion and will support his motion. In the past, I have spoken on many occasions about Hong Kong’s green development, so today I will focus my speech on the development of voluntary carbon markets (“VCMs”). Global …

Motion on “Expediting the Development of Green Transformation in Hong Kong” (2022.11.03) Read More »

Motion on “Legislating on Digital Economy and E-Government Services” (2022.10.27)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. First of all, I have to thank Ms Carmen KAN for proposing this meaningful motion which I support. E-Government services, put simply, mean promoting the extensive use of digital technologies by the Government to improve the efficiency of governance, thereby achieving the objective of providing convenience …

Motion on “Legislating on Digital Economy and E-Government Services” (2022.10.27) Read More »

Motion on “Interfacing with Shenzhen and Planning for Joint Development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Boundary Control Points Economic Belt” (2022.07.07)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President, and many thanks to Mr YIM Kong for proposing the motion today. I support the proposal of the joint development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Boundary Control Points Economic Belt (“the BCPs Economic Belt”). In fact, this proposal has been included in the important work of the …

Motion on “Interfacing with Shenzhen and Planning for Joint Development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Boundary Control Points Economic Belt” (2022.07.07) Read More »

Motion on “Finance Committee Report on the Examination of the Estimates of Expenditure 2022-2023” (2022.07.06)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. On behalf of the Finance Committee, I submit its Report on the examination of the Estimates of Expenditure 2022-2023. The Finance Committee held a total of 21 sessions of special meetings in mid-April this year to examine the Estimates of Expenditure 2022-2023, with the aim to ensure …

Motion on “Finance Committee Report on the Examination of the Estimates of Expenditure 2022-2023” (2022.07.06) Read More »

Motion on “Strengthening and Consolidating Hong Kong’s Status as an Internation Financial Centre and Enhancing its Competitiveness” (2022.06.16)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. In the face of fierce global competition and rapid changes in the international landscape, Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre will be further challenged. If Hong Kong is to maintain its edge, it must enhance its competitiveness. I am grateful to Mr Jeffrey LAM for …

Motion on “Strengthening and Consolidating Hong Kong’s Status as an Internation Financial Centre and Enhancing its Competitiveness” (2022.06.16) Read More »

Motion on “Making Good Use of the Future Fund and the Hong Kong Growth Portfolio to Promote the Diversification of Industry Structure” (2022.06.09)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. Hong Kong is hoarding a huge amount of fiscal reserves. The Government deployed $220 billion in 2015 to set up the Future Fund (“FF”) for placement in longer-term investments with a view to securing higher returns, so as to cope with the financial pressure arising from …

Motion on “Making Good Use of the Future Fund and the Hong Kong Growth Portfolio to Promote the Diversification of Industry Structure” (2022.06.09) Read More »

Motion on “Promoting the Development of Vocational Education and Nurturing Talents to Establish Multiple Pathways” (2022.05.25)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): In the 1970s and 1980s, vocational education was indeed quite prevalent in Hong Kong. However, given the northern migration of industries, coupled with the development of Hong Kong into a financial centre, the significant increase in university places and other factors, parents all want their children to go to university …

Motion on “Promoting the Development of Vocational Education and Nurturing Talents to Establish Multiple Pathways” (2022.05.25) Read More »

Motion on “Formulating a Comprehensive Blueprint for Industries to Promote the Industrial Development of Hong Kong” (2022.05.19)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. Hong Kong’s economic structure has long been in an unbalanced state, which mainly relies on finance, real estate, professional services industries, etc., making the economic foundation of Hong Kong not sound enough, members of the public not able to fully share the fruits of prosperity, and the …

Motion on “Formulating a Comprehensive Blueprint for Industries to Promote the Industrial Development of Hong Kong” (2022.05.19) Read More »

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