
Motion on “Taking the lead by the Government to review the outsourcing system” (2023.11.16)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. I would like to thank Mr Kingsley WONG of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (“HKFTU”) for proposing today’s motion, so that we can discuss the outsourcing system. The Government comprehensively reformed the outsourcing system in 2018, and the treatment of outsourced workers has been significantly …

Motion on “Taking the lead by the Government to review the outsourcing system” (2023.11.16) Read More »

Motion on “Accelerating the construction of community facilities for a smart city and bridging the digital divide” (2023.11.09)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. In recent years, Hong Kong has been striving to develop into a smart city. It has formulated the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong, which draws up six major development plans. The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau is working hard to take forward various tasks, and we …

Motion on “Accelerating the construction of community facilities for a smart city and bridging the digital divide” (2023.11.09) Read More »

Council Meetings (Question): Combating unfair trade practices (2023.11.08)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Chinese): Regarding combating unfair trade practices, will the Government inform this Council: (1) whether it knows the number of complaints about unfair trade practices received by the Consumer Council (“CC”) in the past three years, together with a breakdown and percentage by trade practice; (2) whether it knows the number of …

Council Meetings (Question): Combating unfair trade practices (2023.11.08) Read More »

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Building a strong digital security barrier (2023.07.05)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. The SAR Government is striving to attract leading Mainland and overseas enterprises to settle in Hong Kong. It is believed that being able to attract technology enterprises related to digital security to develop in Hong Kong will be of great help to strengthening our digital security barrier. …

Council Meetings (Oral Question): Building a strong digital security barrier (2023.07.05) Read More »

Motion on “Promoting the unleashing of potential labour force” (2023.06.29)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. Various trades and industries in Hong Kong have experienced manpower shortages since society began to resume normalcy. In particular, the shortage of low-skilled workers is the most acute, which sees a significant drop of 160 000 workers compared to their workforce before the outbreak of the …

Motion on “Promoting the unleashing of potential labour force” (2023.06.29) Read More »

Motion on “Actively promoting the development of Chinese medicine to alleviate the pressure on the healthcare system” (2023.06.14)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. Having a long history, Chinese medicine is deeply trusted by the people. Apart from Chinese people who are used to adopting Chinese medicine to treat illnesses, Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, has also extensively spread to places around the world. With the country’s vigorous development over the …

Motion on “Actively promoting the development of Chinese medicine to alleviate the pressure on the healthcare system” (2023.06.14) Read More »

Motion on “Facing up to the management and maintenance responsibilities of the tenants purchase scheme units” (2023.06.01)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. Since the launch of the Tenants Purchase Scheme (“TPS”) in 1998, more than 140 000 TPS flats have been sold. Despite the long-standing controversy, TPS has in all fairness been well received by public rental housing (“PRH”) tenants as it has enabled many to buy their own …

Motion on “Facing up to the management and maintenance responsibilities of the tenants purchase scheme units” (2023.06.01) Read More »

Motion on “Medernizing the Government’s Governance” (2023.02.08)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. With the implementation of “patriots administering Hong Kong” in Hong Kong, the team administering Hong Kong made up by patriots is striving hard to remove barriers and capitalize on Hong Kong’s advantages. The Central Authorities and the people of Hong Kong have high hopes. In fact, …

Motion on “Medernizing the Government’s Governance” (2023.02.08) Read More »

Motion on “Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2022” (2023.01.18)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. I support the Bill today. Although the Bill tabled today concerns only technical amendments, it has great strategic significance. With the staunch support of the Central Authorities, Hong Kong has become the world’s largest offshore RMB centre, handling about 75% of the world’s offshore RMB settlement business …

Motion on “Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2022” (2023.01.18) Read More »

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