Council Meetings (Oral Question): Service Industry Cooperation in the PRD Region and Hong Kong(2009.02.18)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): My supplementary question is: What progress has there been with regard to the Government’s discussion with the Mainland on lowering the threshold for Hong Kong’s insurance industry to enter the Mainland market (including Guangdong Province)?

SECRETARY FOR COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (in Cantonese): I would like to thank Mr CHAN for the supplementary question. We have been following up proactively with the discussion on the entrance threshold of the insurance industry into the Mainland; as regards the announced…… discussions should be held on specific measures of implementation and specific regulations. In fact, most of the announced measures relating to service industries, including specific laws and regulations, and so on, have been introduced. However, under certain circumstances, we still have to work out the details with the departments concerned. Then we would further follow up with the sectors measures that have been implemented.

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