Review of fees and charges for private patients and non-eligible persons in the Hospital Authority(2012.12.17)

Mr CHAN Kin-por noted that as at 31 March 2011, the bills receivable by HA were impaired by some $42 million (i.e. an increase of 23% when compared to some $34 million in 2010), of which about $23 million (i.e. an increase of 91% as compared to some $12 million in 2010) was mainly related to NEPs and the recoverability of which were considered by HA to be low after taking all possible debt recovery actions. Expressing concern that the increase in the fees and charges for NEP might further aggregate the problem of default payments from NEPs, he asked about the measures put in place by HA to deter default. Mr CHAN Han-pan raised a similar question.

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