Council Meetings (Question): Problem of manpower shortage in the RCHE sector and importation of labour(2013.02.19)

Mr CHAN Kin-por expressed concern about the provision of occupational therapists (“OTs”) and physiotherapists (“PTs”) for the RCHE sector and the standards of the relevant training programmes. Noting that there was only a limited student intake of the Bachelor of Science (Hons) OT and Bachelor of Science (Hons) PT programmes currently offered by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Mr CHAN enquired about the plans put in place to increase the provision for OTs and PTs.

AD/SW(E) advised that apart from offering the two bachelor programmes on OT and PT, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University had also implemented a two-year entry level master programme in OT, and another one in PT. She further advised that a total of 59 students had been sponsored to take either one of these two master programmes and they had undertaken to serve in the welfare sector for no less than two consecutive years immediately after graduation.

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