Motion on “Initiating the development of a strong maritime port strategy” (2023.12.06)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. Last week, a research vessel, Shen Kuo, made its first port of call in Hong Kong and attracted a large number of visitors. Equipped with the most advanced scientific research equipment in China, this vessel has visited the world’s deepest trench, the Mariana Trench, on many occasions to conduct deep-sea exploration missions. This visit by Shen Kuo to Hong Kong has not only roused a craze for knowledge of marine science and technology but more importantly, it has enhanced the public’s understanding of the country’s scientific research capability. I thank Mr Paul TSE for proposing today’s motion and Mr YIM Kong for his amendment, which give us an opportunity for discussion.

The report to the 20th National Congress of the Community Party of China pointed out that the country will “develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and step up efforts to build China into a strong maritime country”. Hong Kong is one of the most important international cities facing the South China Sea and a key node of the Belt and Road (“B&R”) Initiative of the country. I urge the Administration to explore the rich marine biological resources through the application of innovative technology, as well as incubate and transform research outcomes, focusing on their applications in areas such as biomedicine and environmental protection, in order to promote the development of life and health science and technology. I believe that a wide and deep natural harbour, a pool of quality talents and international connections are advantages conducive to Hong Kong’s collaboration with B&R countries in marine exploration and in the development of marine economy.

In order to develop the marine technology and innovation industry, the first step is to create a stronger pool of innovation and technology talents. Engaging itself globally and being a place where the East meets the West, Hong Kong is in a best position to attract a large number of talents. The Government should inject resources into the training of talents in marine technology innovation, and actively promote cooperation and exchanges with the neighbouring regions, so as to complement each other’s strengths in marine technology and help build China into a strong maritime country. Members may not have noticed that the Hong Kong Branch of the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) was established in 2019. It covers 23 top-notch local and overseas marine institutes from eight countries, and has trained up to 300 marine talents and even obtained a number of national and international patents. Collaboration between Hong Kong’s local marine technology talents and their international counterparts is conducive to Hong Kong’s development in marine technology globally.

The marine economy has unlimited potentials for development. We should also explore the development of other marine-related industries, including shipping and trade, cruise tourism, and ecological conservation. Hong Kong has world-class port and logistics infrastructure. We should further strengthen our position as a shipping and trading centre and attract more international trading and logistics enterprises to come to Hong Kong for development. With its mature legal system and well-developed high-end service support capability, Hong Kong can play a bridging role in the Greater Bay Area (“GBA”) to connect with the international community and drive GBA to join forces to build a world-class port and aviation cluster.

At the same time, we should vigorously develop the cruise tourism industry to provide high-quality cruise services and travelling experience, and develop diversified source markets for cruise tourism. In respect of ancillary transport facilities, the authorities should explore ways to ameliorate the problem of inadequate transport facilities at the terminal. For example, when a luxurious cruise ship is arriving, the authorities should make prior arrangements for coaches to provide services to and from the urban areas, or notify the taxi operators to arrange for taxis to go to the cruise terminal, so that visitors do not have to wait in long queues for buses and taxis at the terminal and can hence enjoy convenient, comfortable experiences. In respect of ecological conservation, we can make use of artificial intelligence and big data to provide precise and effective protection to the marine ecosystem and strengthen environmental regulation, in order to maintain biodiversity and a balanced marine ecosystem, and ensure the sustainable use and development of marine resources.

China’s marine economy is developing by leaps and bounds. By fully leveraging its abundant resources and natural conditions, Hong Kong can follow the national policy and accelerate its integration into the development of the marine economy in GBA, thereby promoting the development of a diversified marine economy with Hong Kong characteristics and achieve prosperity and sustainable development of the economy. Thank you, Deputy President.

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