Council Meetings (Oral Question): Improvement to Legal Aid System (2014.03.26)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): At present, in cases relating to claims for damages for personal injuries or death, lawyers’ fee on average accounts for 30% to 40%, or even as much as 60% of the total cost. It is obvious that there are problems with the compensation scheme. I have in hand two complaints lodged by the Taxi & P.L.B. Concern Group concerning the issue of legal aid. First, it was learned that some staff, I believe they are LAD staff, recommended to applicants and handed out name cards of law firms engaging in maintenance and champerty. Second, a taxi driver suffering minor injuries originally asked for some $300,000 as compensation; but after he was granted legal aid, he claimed for over $3 million. That was a very serious complaint. I would like to ask the Secretary if he would instruct the LAD to investigate into this case seriously to find out if that is truly the case. If so, it is really alarming.

SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS (in Cantonese): I had a meeting with the Director of Legal Aid and he was very pleased to receive information of any such cases. He would rigorously follow up and conduct investigation. The first case mentioned by Mr CHAN is indeed very serious, which is illegal. If LAD staff is suspected of colluding with parties in the private sector, we will definitely not condone such act as the justice of the entire legal aid system is implicated. We will certainly follow up rigorously.

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