Government-administered Central Examination for Mandatory Safety Training Courses(2011.04.11)

Hon KP Chan on post-course examinations for Mandatory Safety Training Courses:

Responding to Mr CHAN Kin-por’s suggestion that the Administration should consider holding central examinations or bringing in independent invigilators, Deputy Commissioner for Labour (Occupational Safety and Health) advised that there were practical difficulties in implementing the proposals in view of the need to cater for the flexibility required by the large number of candidates who had to complete the Mandatory Safety Training training and examinations in order to work. Deputy Commissioner for Labour (Occupational Safety and Health) pointed out that the current arrangements in which training course providers would run the examinations after the Mandatory Safety Training courses and issue certificates immediately upon satisfactory completion of the examinations would cater for the specific needs of workers. Compared with other options, such as introducing a system of central examination or bringing in independent invigilators, the provision of examination papers centrally by the Labour Department to training course providers for the post-course examinations would be more practicable and suit the needs of the workers.

The Deputy Chairman noted that the Administration planned to consolidate the different Guidance Notes issued for the six types of Mandatory Safety Training courses. She asked about the underlying reasons for the proposal. Regarding the improvement measures proposed for implementation in the second phase, she expressed concern about their impact on training course providers and asked whether the views of stakeholders would be taken into account before the measures were put into operation.

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