Motion on “Finance Committee Report on the Examination of the Estimates of Expenditure 2020-2021” (2020.07.08)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I submit its Report on the examination of the Estimates of Expenditure 2020-2021.

The Finance Committee held a total of 21 sessions of special meetings in early April this year to examine the Estimates of Expenditure 2020-2021, with the aim to ensure that the authorities are seeking a provision no more than is necessary for the execution of the policies approved.

Before the commencement of the special meetings, 66 Members submitted about 6 700 written questions on the Estimates of Expenditure to the Government, in which a relatively larger number of questions were focused on welfare, women affairs, security, education, health and home affairs. The Administration, according to the undertaking it made earlier, submitted replies to a total of the first 3 300 questions before the special meetings. As for the remaining written questions that were compliant with the Rules of Procedure, as well as the supplementary questions raised by Members during the special meetings, the Administration’s replies to these questions were submitted before the third Budget meeting on 29 April 2020. The questions and replies were uploaded onto the website of the Legislative Council.

At the special meetings, Members raised questions on various expenditure items, and they also expressed concerns and views on measures closely related to economic development and people’s livelihood referred to in the Budget. The proceedings of the special meetings are set out in the report.

Following the passage of the Appropriation Bill 2020 on 6 May 2020, the Finance Committee started to examine the funding requests submitted by the Financial Secretary for changing the approved Estimates of Expenditure.

President, the Finance Committee spent a total of approximately 31 hours completing the examination of the Estimates of Expenditure, the process of which was smooth in general. In this regard, I would like to extend my gratitude to Members for their enthusiastic participation and to the various Policy Bureaux and departments of the Government for their cooperation.

I so submit.

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