Motion on “Expedite Waste Incineration Development for Municipal Solid Waste”(2010.10.25)

Mr CHAN Kin-por enquired about the treatment and disposal of MSW following the repeal of the Country Parks (Designation) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2010 (the Order) to extend the South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill. He asked if consideration would be given to expediting the development of waste incineration. SEN said that he had given a detailed reply on the subject at the last Council meeting. He reiterated that MSW should be reduced and recycled before they were treated and disposed of at landfills. While the source separation of waste programme was progressing well, there remained a need to work out alternative means to treat non-recyclable waste as disposal of such waste at landfills only was not sustainable in the long run. The Administration would consult members on the choice of site for the Integrated Waste Management Facilities (IWMF) in due course.

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