Council Meetings (Oral Question): Ensure Pedestrian Safety Against Objects Thrown from Height(2010.01.13)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): I feel that even if the culprits can be tracked down, there can be no long-term solution as it would be difficult to prevent others from doing the same. I want to know if the Government will adopt any long-term measures, such as installing canopy at pedestrian precincts, so that the safety of pedestrians can be completely protected.

SECRETARY FOR SECURITY (in Cantonese): In response to Mr CHAN Kin-por’s supplementary question, I believe our long-term solution to the problem must be publicity and education, as it is mainly a matter of ethics. Every year, incidents of objects being thrown from a height ― the throwing of acid bombs is indeed glaring ― totals to a few hundreds. The harm done by “acid bombs” is no doubt serious, but even if it is a small hammer or other objects, given its speed when falling from a height, it may also be fatal if pedestrians are hit. Therefore, firstly, we must step up publicity and education. Secondly, on the suggestion of providing canopy to pedestrian precincts, it would involve various problems, such as structural and fire safety, as well as the possible environmental hygiene problem of such canopies turning into garbage dump. These are issues that we
should not overlook. As such, we must discuss with affected business operators and residents in the districts and come up with a consensus before considering implementing the proposal.

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