Council Meetings (Oral Question): Enforcement strategy in relation to recent unauthorized building works cases with major public concerns(2013.01.07)

Mr CHAN Kin-por observed that as the regulatory regime for UBWs had kept on changing in response to developments in society, some minor works contractors could not tell with certainty the scope and types of minor works which did not require BA’s prior approval. He suggested that BD should take action to enhance the technical knowledge of registered professionals and contractors to ensure that they fully understood the approval requirements for different types of building works.

Director of Buildings said that the definitions of UBWs, minor works and exempted works, etc. had been stipulated clearly in BO and related regulations. Registered personnel, including APs and registered minor works contractors, had been assessed on their knowledge about the relevant provisions of BO and the classifications of building works before they were qualified to register with BD. To keep them informed on the new developments in BO, BD issued practice notes, guidelines and other relevant publications from time to time and as needed. In addition, BD had also set up various channels for communication with registered personnel to answer the latter’s enquiries and discuss works-related issues.

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