Motion on “Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) Bill 2015” (2016.06.01)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Originally, I tried to avoid taking part in the debate on such controversial issues because I felt worried that some people will express their dissatisfaction in this Council at meetings of the Finance Committee chaired by me, thereby causing delays to the funding applications of the Government. I really feel worried about this, so Members must have noticed that I have been speaking less recently. However, someone mentioned me by name a moment ago, saying that I had wronged the workers on the issue of work injuries and that I had targeted at the workers and protected the insurance industry. I think I need to make a clarification.

I have put forward some suggestions to the Government, which are mainly related to inter-departmental measures to combat industrial and commercial frauds. I hope Members can note that what I am talking about is frauds and illegal practices rather than work injuries of workers. Therefore, my target is just a handful of unscrupulous people who make fraudulent insurance claims for work injuries. What Mr LEE Cheuk-yan said is definitely misleading because an insurance company is in fact a manager only who is responsible for receiving premiums and issuing compensations. The more the compensations made, the more the amount of premiums will increase. The one who pays is not the insurance company but the employer. The employers are also victims. If the insurance sector identifies some loopholes and problems based on its experience in processing claims and then put forward suggestions, so that the employer is not required to spend money for no good purpose. What is wrong with it? I simply cannot figure out what the problem is. The elevation of every issue to the political plane will do no good to the whole society and Hong Kong. There are many people in Hong Kong who would put forward some ideas, and their purpose is not to resolve the problems but to stir up contradictions and conflicts as well as create confrontations, with a view to gaining more political capital for themselves. This is the most lamentable situation in my view.

In addition, I would also like to talk a little bit about the problem of work injuries. As a matter of fact, the insurance sector very much hopes that workers can return to work as early as possible. We have recently commissioned The Chinese University of Hong Kong to conduct a research study on the methods to enable injured workers to return to work as early as possible. This can in fact help them to shorten their sick leave by half. The workers are also happy that they can return to work as early as possible. I just wish to cite an example to state clearly that we should neither consider every issue according to a conspiracy theory nor treat the functional constituencies (FCs) in this way. I find that in this Council FC Members have been working diligently and spending plenty of time on their work in a focused manner and with concerted efforts. They have been doing better and better. In my view, their performance in this term is better than that in the last term. Very often, those who sit here to prevent an abortion of the meeting are FC Members. Those who sit tight here during meetings are mostly FC Members as well. Therefore, I think this is fairly obvious to all people. Even though they wrong us and mislead the people, it would demonstrate all the more clearly to the people the importance of FCs. Hence, I wish Members could be reasonable in the future, instead of making incessant personal attacks by name, making vicious remarks, telling someone to eat this or eat that. It is meaningless for them to repeat such words because the quality of people has improved. They would not believe in everything they said, but they would look at the facts instead.

I will not speak too much, but I would also like to talk about the issue of balance in the Council. Some Members returned by direct elections would be more concerned about people’s livelihood and welfare issues, while some FC Members who are well versed in the business environment and difficulties would reflect the crux of the problems, so that we could understand the same matter from more perspectives. So, what is wrong with it? Take as an example a recent Bill in respect of the Mandatory Provident Fund. We all know that the Government had in fact reached a consensus with us on the core funds some time ago, but Members proposed amendments suddenly. Consequently, I invited members of the industry to meet with Members, so that they could take that opportunity to explain the case to Members. Members were not partial towards the insurance sector. Rather, they listened to reasons given by various parties before making a decision on whether to support the Bill or otherwise.

I have cited my constituency as an example, but I believe other constituencies, be it the Accountancy, Finance or Medical FC, would also have the same function. FCs can reflect the difficulties of these important industries that have influences on Hong Kong, so that we can make wise decisions with proper understanding of the impact of the legislation on various sectors. So, what is the problem? I therefore hope Members will not interpret this as protection of the industry concerned, thereby sowing discord among the people and stirring up hatred towards the business sector. This is in fact most inappropriate. The business sector has its functions, responsibilities and contribution. In my view, the efforts and time devoted by the FC Members in this Council as well as their professional knowledge are indeed not less important than those of directly elected Members.

Among the directly elected Members, there are good people and bad ones, while among the FC Members, some may have done better and some may have room for improvement. Nonetheless, I think we should respect each other. If you disapprove of me, it is not a problem. But you have to convince me with reasons, instead of telling me to eat this or that or humiliating us. This is because such acts are absolutely meaningless. I have now come to know more clearly the insights and views of the people. As long as the FC Members can keep working hard and presenting good performances, I believe the people would understand all this.

As regards the Bill today, we know that the amendments are only technical in nature. As a matter of fact, there is no need to digress too far and talk too much about the deficiencies of FCs. I will support all of the amendments proposed by the Government.

Thank you, President.

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