Council Meetings (Questions): Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme (2023.03.15)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Chinese): The Traffic Accident Victims Assistance (“TAVA”) Scheme aims to provide victims of road traffic accidents or their dependents with speedy financial assistance. The number of applications under the TAVA Scheme has been on the increase, rising from 8 419 in 2017-2018 to 10 500 in 2021-2022. It has been reported that some of the applications under the TAVA Scheme involve elements such as falsification, exaggeration and fraud. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) whether it has looked into the reasons behind the increase in the number of applications under the TAVA Scheme, including whether traffic accidents deliberately created to obtain assistance were involved; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;

(2) whether it will review if the eligibility criteria for the TAVA Scheme are too lax; and

(3) whether the Police mounted any law enforcement operations in the past five years to combat TAVA Scheme frauds; if so, of the number of persons arrested; whether the Government has conducted any review to identify ways to eradicate such frauds?

President, the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance (TAVA) Scheme is a social welfare initiative administered by the Social Welfare Department (SWD). The objective of the Scheme is to provide speedy financial assistance to road traffic accident victims or the surviving dependents of deceased traffic accident victims on a nonmeans-tested basis, regardless of the element of fault leading to the occurrence of the accident.

In response to the question raised, in consultation with the Security Bureau, my consolidated reply is as follows: 

To achieve the objective of the Scheme to support traffic accident victims, an applicant must meet the following conditions to be eligible for assistance payment, including: 

(i) the accident must have been reported to the Police and determined by the Police as a road traffic accident; and 

(ii) the victim is injured or killed in the accident. In case of injury, the injured victim must be certified by a registered doctor that such injury requires hospitalisation of no less than three days or issued with proof for medical leave of no less than three day.

The number of applications the Scheme received hinges on many factors. Apart from the number of traffic casualties, public’s increasing awareness towards the availability of the Scheme is also one of the reasons accounting for the increasing number of applications. For every application received, SWD will seek written confirmation from the Police on whether traffic accident is involved. When processing applications, SWD will clearly explain to the applicant that obtaining assistance payment by deception is a criminal offence. Apart from losing the eligibility for assistance, the applicant may be prosecuted under the Theft Ordinance (Cap. 210) and be liable on conviction to imprisonment of a maximum of 14 years.

To guard against abuse and fraud, SWD maintains close liaison with the Hospital Authority and Department of Health to ensure the injuries sustained by the applicants are related to the traffic accidents concerned. SWD will also refer suspected cases to the Police for investigation. SWD has reviewed different aspects of its work, including strengthening the vetting of income proof in processing the applications for Interim Maintenance Grant under the Scheme. Besides, SWD has enhanced the workflow by strengthening the verification on whether the applicants have made any claim for damages or compensation through other means for the same traffic accident and advancing the notification in writing to insurance companies at the disbursement of the first payment to avoid double compensation. 

SWD will continue to monitor the implementation of the TAVA Scheme. Any person (including insurance companies) who possesses information about improper or illegal activities by any person in applying for assistance under the TAVA Scheme may lodge a report to SWD or the Police. 

The Police do not maintain a breakdown on the number of deception cases in relation to TAVA Scheme. 

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