Council Meetings (Oral Question): Measures to cope with the peak period of respiratory tract infections (2024.01.17)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, President. According to my personal experience, I become healthier after vaccination and seldom catch the flu. Whenever I show symptoms, I can easily recover by taking one or two doses of Chinese medicine. However, as seen from the main reply, the vaccination rate of the elderly in the community is still below 50%.

May I ask whether the Government will adopt any new methods to boost the vaccination rate in this regard? Will it call for people to persuade or bring along their elderly parents to receive vaccination?


The low vaccination rate among the elderly in the community has been our concern since the COVID-19 epidemic. We have some relatively effective ways to encourage elderly people living in RCHs to get vaccinated, but they can refuse to do so. As for promoting vaccination among the elderly in the community, more education work needs to be done, and we hope to target their carers in particular. Currently, we are taking forward publicity efforts through various channels (including DHCs) while providing convenience for elderly people to receive vaccination.

As for influenza vaccination, it is currently available at many DHCs and private medical institutions under the relevant subsidy scheme, which is already quite easily accessible.

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