Council Meetings (Oral Question): Coping with Natural Disasters (2021.08.18)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Climate change has increased the frequency of extreme weather and we are more concerned about places with low terrain and large crowds, e.g. the MTR and the harbour crossings. It is mentioned in the main reply that the coordination centre under TD will activate relevant contingency plans to temporarily close the concerned facilities and implement arrangements. In response to unforeseen situations that happened in various parts of the world, I would like to ask how the coordination centre adjusts its contingency plans and whether it has conducted drills in collaboration with other departments?

UNDER SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT AND HOUSING (in Cantonese): I thank Mr CHAN Kin-po for his supplementary question. The coordination centre adopts an emergency response system and will operate under three different modes depending on the scale and severity of the incident, whether the incident occurred on a trunk road or transportation hub, and the impact of the incident on traffic to monitor traffic and transport situation and handle the incident. The operation of the coordination centre will be upgraded to a higher level if necessary. The coordination centre handles an average of 5 000 incidents which have impact on traffic per year, and in regard to the handling of such incidents, it will coordinate with different government departments and public transport operators, conduct monitoring and disseminate relevant information to the public.

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