Council Meetings (Oral Question): Consultation Report and Proposals on the Method for Selecting the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage (2015.04.22)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, I recently asked some pan-democrats if they supported the constitutional reform, they told me that they would certainly support it. I then asked them for the reason, and they said that they would “pocket it first”, and then continue to protest. I think we should understand that even if the constitutional reform package is passed, it does not mean all is at peace. Nevertheless, I am optimistic about the constitutional reform, and I believe the moderate pan-democratic Members are wise enough to understand that the passage of the constitutional reform package will do them more good than harm. But the crux of the problem is how to convince the moderate pan-democratic Members to make a U-turn and why they should make a U-turn. I believe some pan-democratic Members would ultimately make a U-turn and I hope that the Chief Secretary would seriously consider the reasons for driving them to make a U-turn. As I have repeatedly mentioned, if people at the State level or some high-ranking people could declare that this is only a transitional package but not a permanent one, I believe such a pledge or definite statement is the most important turning point in the passage of the constitutional reform package. I really hope that the Chief Secretary would make efforts to get this done.

CHIEF SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION (in Cantonese): President, on the amendments to the method for selecting the Chief Executive in the future, I think the most positive statement is set out in paragraph 31 of the statement. We have explicitly specified the legal basis and procedures for initiating further amendments to the method for selecting the Chief Executive. I think this paragraph is explicit enough and I think we have already made it clear that the passage of this package will enable the system for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage to be rooted in our political system, and that any amendments in the future can be made according to such legal basis and legal procedures.

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