Motion on “Chiropractic Sector Should Draw Up Guidelines for Issuing Medical Certificates”(2011.06.17)

Hon Chan Kin-por said that as a representative of the insurance sector, he would not object to allowing the general public and employees to have direct access to chiropractic service if it was proven to be a safe and effective treatment for functional neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, achieving cost savings to employees, employers, the general public and the public healthcare system.  Hon Chan said that it was understandable for employers and insurers to have raised a reasonable doubt about the possibility of abuse and the management problems and disciplinary control of chiropractors.  In his view, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes relating to the issuance of medical certificates, the chiropractic sector should first draw up guidelines for issuing medical certificates to facilitate employers’ and insurers’ work in monitoring the sick leave pattern of employees seeking chiropractic treatment.

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