Council Meetings (Oral Question): Auto-liquefied Petroleum Gas Prices and Filling Stations (2019.06.05)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): The Secretary said in the main reply that in 2011, the Government required new petrol filling stations to provide LPG filling nozzles at a number of not less than 25% of the total number of filling nozzles at the station, but the measure has already been in place for eight years. My question is: Whether a review will be conducted by the Government to take account of the latest situation and increase the number of LPG filling nozzles provided, such as at a number of not less than 30% of the total number of filling nozzles at the station?

SECRETARY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (in Cantonese): I thank Mr CHAN for his supplementary question. This issue involves efforts in two aspects. On the one hand, since the existing contracts of dedicated stations will expire from February 2021 to December 2022 in phases, we will review the overall operation of the LPG filling network and its demand in Hong Kong before the expiry of these contracts. Hence, apart from considering the future arrangement for dedicated stations, we will also consider other relevant arrangements in parallel as and when appropriate on the other hand.

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