On Financial and Livelihood Affairs

Discuss with the Government on revamping Building Management Ordinance (Cap 344)

There are serious flaws in the building management law relating to incorporation of owners committee like excessive and clustered power of the convener, defects in collection of Proxy Form, etc. I have met or written to Secretary for Home Affairs (Tsang Tak-sing), Commissioner of ICAC (Simon Pak) and Director of Home Affairs (Pamela Tan). With our unfailing efforts, the Government is now attending to these issues. We are working with Home Affairs to fix holes.

Strive to improve business environment and raise competitiveness

Hong Kong’s competitiveness has been slipping. Business setting is being challenged by neighbours. I have spoken on different occasion in LegCo and pinpointed the crux of problem. The foremost problem is over-dependence on four traditional pillar industries, particularly finance and tourism. We are short of new engines of growth. Once these industries went into trouble, impacts would be imminent. In my view, the Government’s conservative attitude is virtually depleting our reserves. I have raised questions on developing industries with comparative advantages and Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and have urged the Government to face these issues. Moreover, I have submitted proposals on raising our competitiveness at meetings of the Committee on Strategic Development.

Urge the Government to raise competitiveness of young people

Young people are our future but they are frustrated by the changing economy and shrinking room for advancement. Even university graduates are feeling the strain. I am convinced that we should help make the economic environment more favourable for young people and help raise their competiveness. At the joint consultation on the Policy Address and Budget last year, I submit plans to the Chief Executive and the Financial Secretary on more extensive training for young people and more start-up support for entrepreneurship on the Internet. Furthermore, I have put forward proposals on raising their competitiveness at Committee for Strategic Development and Motion Debates at LegCo.

Urge the Government to resolve conflicts between Mainland and Hong Kong

The increasing tension between Mainland and Hong Kong SAR is cause for concern, like maternity of non-residents, baby milk powder shortage, and many others. These incidents reflect that spirits of mutual understanding and mutual reconciliation that we used to be proud of are diminishing. Therefore, I have urged the Chief Executive and Financial Secretary to look into harmonization of the community and formulate concrete population policy. I wish the Government would introduce relevant measures to help people realize that Mainlander, be they visitors or re-settlers, are invaluable assets to Hong Kong, not liabilities.

Support the Police in law enforcement

In recent years, human rights have become topical. The community needs the Police to keep law and order, but is also uneasy with alleged abuse of power. There have been cases of confronting the Police in public. Understandably, the Police Force, particularly the frontline, is under considerable stress. In my view, we must support law enforcement to keep Hong Kong safe. For the past year I have followed up at the Panel on Security on various supports for the Police, like installing CCTV in selected public areas, equipping officers with portable video camera, new guidelines on insults for the frontline and fighting cyber crimes. As Vice-Chair of Independent Committee on Complaints against Police, I am closely monitoring law enforcement for prevention of abuse of power and misconduct.

Urge the Police to fight against crimes of Mainland visitors

In recent years, thousands of Mainland visitors have been arrested in Hong Kong. It is a cause for concern. I have raised this issue at LegCo and urged the Government to review crime information sharing with Mainland with a view to extending the moratorium or even imposing ban on offenders. The Government has undertaken to follow up.

Facilitate replacement scheme for Pre-Euro IV diesel commercial vehicles

The primary source of air pollution in Hong Kong is old diesel vehicles. I have been following closely the withdrawal of Pre-Euro IV vehicles from the road. Following rounds of deliberations, the Financial Committee has approved $1.14 billion funding for the incentive scheme. Commenced in March 2014, the scheme offers subsidies for replacing Pre-Euro IV vehicles in phases. The Environment Protection Department will submit annual reports to LegCo on the progress. As always, I shall follow up the scheme and, if necessary, put forward ideas on betterment.

Attend to local medical issues

Apart from healthcare insurance, I also pay attention to local medical problems, particularly services for the middle-class. I have raised issues like examination scheme for colorectal cancer and regulation of private hospitals.

Oppose filibusters at LegCo

Several Members of LegCo have been filibustering in recent years in attempt to bringing the Administration to standstill. That filibusters are harmful to the community is indisputable but they are still recurring. In the Budget debate of this year, I have reiterated these damages and refuted fallacious arguments in support. I am pleased that I am no lone voice, despite malicious criticism and even personal attacks. The Government, politicians and my industry have lent support. I believe that the Legislature should spend its time in building the community instead, and I shall continue to oppose filibusters.

Seeking early approval of extending landfills and installing incinerator

I traveled with the Panel on Environmental Affairs to Korea not long ago to visit waste management facilities. It was an eye-opening trip. They are show-pieces for our landfills and incinerator under planning. I have joined the Panel on Works in this Session to follow up on landfill extensions in New Territories North East, NT South East and NT West and the first phase of Consolidated Waste Management Facilities. Of these facilities, NTSE landfill extension and Shek Kwu Chau incinerator have been authorized pending funding by Finance Committee. I shall follow up at the Panel and ensure timely approval of funding for improving waste management.

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Hon Chan Kin-por’s Legco Member’s Office
Room 803, 1 Legislative Council Road
Phone 2899 2831 | Fax 2899 2050
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