Council Meetings (Oral Question): Universal Retirement Protection Scheme Proposals and Studies(2009.11.25)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): The Secretary mentions in the main reply that the Government is currently studying the sustainability of the three-pillar model for retirement protection before deciding on the future course of action. In fact, many civil groups have conducted a large number of studies on universal retirement protection and these studies also include proposals. May I ask the Secretary whether or not he would meet these groups to learn more about their proposals before considering the issue comprehensively?

SECRETARY FOR LABOUR AND WELFARE (in Cantonese): Thank you, Mr CHAN, for your supplementary question. In fact, for some time in the past, I had two meetings with the Coalition for Universal Retirement Protection. We have established communication and listened to each other’s different opinions.

On one hand, as I said in the main reply, the Central Policy Unit is currently undertaking some studies. On the other hand, we also pay great attention to the voices in society. This is done in the hope of collecting diverse views on the subject. But we must wait until the Central Policy Unit has released its report and see what recommendations it makes before we can take follow-up action and examine what preparation should be made and what the future course of action should be.

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