Motion on “Embracing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress to Further Develop Hong Kong” (2022.11.09)

MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Thank you, Deputy President. I am grateful to Dr Dennis LAM for proposing today’s motion, which gives Members an opportunity to study and discuss the spirit of the 20th National Congress, and the development opportunities presented by the 20th National Congress to Hong Kong. I support today’s motion.

The 20th National Congress has achieved many significant results and set out the general policies and strategic plans for the development of the Communist Party of China (“CPC”) and the country, which is the political declaration and action plan for the comprehensive modernization of the country and the promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In studying the spirit of the 20th National Congress, we should grasp the major significance of the work of the past five years and the great transformation in the first decade of the new era, grasp the mission to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization, and grasp the requirement for all Chinese people to strive in unity.

The report to the 20th National Congress has given most weight to the mention on Hong Kong work ever, compared with reports to previous National Congresses. Furthermore, it has unprecedentedly incorporated the line “in conformity with the principle of [‘]one country, two systems[’]” into the Constitution of the Communist Party of China. Some commentators pointed out that one important feature of the report to the 20th National Congress is that the work on Hong Kong has for the first time been viewed from the perspective of the overall development of the Party and the country, and been included in the general context of Chinese modernization and realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This fully reflects that the country has elevated Hong Kong issues to an unprecedented level of importance, guiding the way for Hong Kong’s development. Therefore, I believe that Hong Kong must seize this opportunity to actively contribute to the country and, more importantly, create a new chapter for Hong Kong.

In the past few years, Hong Kong entered a new stage in which it has restored order and is set to thrive. Given the hard-earned stable situation today, Hong Kong people should bear in mind the root causes of the local riots. In fact, external forces will never stop trying to hinder the development of the country, and it is believed that international suppression will not cease until China’s rise is truly achieved in all respects. Therefore, it is expected that external forces will continue to hinder the country’s development on the economic and trade, financial, technological and diplomatic fronts, and Hong Kong will definitely be the target of the attack. We must prepare for the worst because external forces may still provoke conflicts or various incidents in the international community. Fortunately, with the support of the country, we have successfully enacted the Hong Kong National Security Law, which has put an end to the riots for the time being. I believe that we can rise to all challenges as long as we keep an unyielding spirit, maintain our stamina and stand united.

The next five years will be a crucial period for getting our efforts to build a modern socialist country in all respects off to a good start, and it is also a critical period for Hong Kong to break new ground. Hong Kong is currently implementing the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong”. Under the leadership of the Chief Executive, we need to recover the time we have wasted in the past. On the one hand, it is necessary to resolve the long-standing, thorny issues which have plagued us for many years. On the other hand, it is necessary to improve the economy and enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness, including actively integrating into the country’s development pattern of domestic and international circulation and consolidating Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre. The more the external forces obstruct us, the more Hong Kong must struggle in a resolute and unyielding manner and persist in moving forward. In the new era, Hong Kong must do well in three areas, including people’s livelihood, economy and national security, in order to live up to the country’s expectations.

The report to the 20th National Congress has made it clear that “one country, two systems”, Hong Kong’s capitalist system and Hong Kong’s unique position and advantages, will remain unchanged in the long run, laying a solid foundation for Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity. Under this foundation, instead of being an ordinary city of the country, Hong Kong will be a financial and trade centre of the country, as well as an international city connecting the country and the world. Hong Kong must grasp this advantage not only for its own development, but also for contributing to the country. Specific tasks for the future include: facilitating internationalization of Renminbi, assisting national enterprises to “go global”, promoting financial innovation, and telling good stories of the country and Hong Kong.

In the face of the new era and the new situation, I believe that Hong Kong must keep the country in mind, develop an international outlook and confront challenges in the new era with a resolute and courageous spirit.

Thank you, Deputy President.

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