MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): Deputy President, it is gratifying to see Hong Kong achieving unprecedented success in the recent Tokyo Olympic Games. The efforts and achievements of the Hong Kong delegation have not only brought Hong Kong with glory and joy, which directly encourage sports participation, but have also brought unity to the people. The contribution and value of sports to society are hence evident. Here, I would like to thank Mr Vincent CHENG for proposing this motion as he gives us an opportunity to send the winning athletes our congratulations again and discuss the direction of sports development.
Today, the issues of supporting elite sports and developing Hong Kong into a centre for major international sports events have been discussed a lot, and I would like to turn to talk about promoting sports in the community. In recent years, I have exercised more frequently and deeply experienced the positive impact of doing exercise on my health and my life. Regrettably, most of the young people in Hong Kong do not have the habit of doing exercise. Some of them are even addicted to online games and surfing which affect both their physical and mental health. In my view, longevity is a torture to us if we do not have good health; therefore, doing exercise is very important.
That also explains why I have advocated “sports for all” since I joined the Legislative Council. At the last Council meeting, I moved a motion on “Promoting public health policy”, which proposed, among others, motivating people of various age groups to do more exercise and providing more sports facilities. The motion was eventually passed by the Council. Noting that the general public became more health conscious and active in sports participation under the epidemic, which led to a significant decline in the number of influenza patients, I moved the motion to suggest the Government promoting a health policy to cope with social problems brought by our ageing population, especially the healthcare problem.
Coincidentally, Hong Kong’s remarkable results in the Olympic Games have created a sports craze in the community, arousing interest in sports among many of us. A lot of parents also encourage their children to play sports. This is definitely a golden opportunity for the Government to develop elite sports and, more importantly, to encourage “sports for all” with various measures. The most direct way is to provide more suitable sports facilities for the public to do more exercise. In view of the lack of sports venues and large sports centres in the urban areas, I once proposed that we might consider setting up health clubs or gyms in government facilities or recreational venues. This proposal, which requires less investment, can be implemented quickly to facilitate the public. Therefore, I hope that the Government will give it a thought.
Deputy President, as far as the entire community is concerned, sports do more than bringing health. They bring us unity and set goals for young people as well. If young people do not see advancement opportunities at work, they may easily get lost in life. Also, in reality, not everyone is good at studying. Sports can then offer an alternative goal to them outside school or workplace. Of course, it is no easy task to become an elite athlete, but an interest in sports will bring lifelong benefits to young people.
In the recent Olympics, all the games played by Hong Kong athletes had drawn great public attention. Whenever there were Hong Kong athletes competing for medals, the whole city would be filled with excitement. Many of us were watching the live broadcast, and some might even join the crowd in large shopping malls to watch the games and cheer for the athletes together. Unity as such was rarely seen in Hong Kong in the last couple of years. While political issues have caused different degrees of social split in Hong Kong, it is time to mend the dissension as Hong Kong is already back on track. If the promotion of elite sports can, at the same time, make people put aside their differences and achieve unity, it will be worthwhile for the Government to put in more resources. Thank you, Deputy President.