Motion on “Developing local vocational and professional education and training” (2024.07.18)

Thank you, Deputy President. I would like to thank Mr Dennis LEUNG for proposing the motion and other Members for their amendments, which allows us to discuss this important topic. Nowadays, technology is rapidly changing the global economic development model, and the skills requirements of various occupations have drastically changed. We must adapt to the changes and meet the talent needs of various trades and industries on all fronts.

First, it is important to re-examine the development needs of various trades and industries in Hong Kong, especially determining a development direction for new industrialization, which not only involves technological innovation but also a changing demand for talents. Hong Kong should capitalize on high value-added industries and improve vocational education in areas such as biotechnology, environmental science, technological innovation, health and social services. These areas can contribute to Hong Kong’s economic growth and provide avenues for professionals to give full play to their talents.

In order to meet the needs of the job market, it is necessary to achieve convergence between education and employment, i.e. from basic education to vocational training, and young people should keep pace with market demand and adapt to changes in industries with the ability for flexible adjustment. The universities of applied sciences and academic research universities in Hong Kong play an important role in talent training, and it requires more innovative thinking to promote their complementarity of each other. Universities and vocational training institutions should collaborate with industries to integrate employment programmes in different areas, increase the number of places in various types of apprenticeship programmes, streamline the application process, and promote the integration of academic research and practical application, thereby nurturing more professionals to meet market needs.

I agree that the Government should introduce qualification certification for practitioners in designated trades, and one example is certification through professional skill examinations or other assessment methods to enhance the skills and career development of vocational professionals. We should improve the promotion ladder to encourage continuous learning and enhancement of personal skills, as well as provide clear career development directions and pathways for professionals, so as to enhance their sense of security and accomplishment in their careers.

Although there are many different post-secondary education programmes and vocational and professional education and training (“VPET”) institutions in Hong Kong for students to choose from, there are insufficient resources and students and parents have limited knowledge of these options. Schools should strengthen education on further studies orientation so that students can have more options and engage in career planning early. We can learn from successful VPET systems, such as the dual-track system adopted in Germany where students attend theory courses in vocational schools two to three days a week, and spend the remaining time on workplace internships, so as to realize the effect of creative studying and application through learning by doing.

Young people are easily influenced by their parents and peers, and over a long time, they have been taught to believe that going to university is the only way to success. However, in today’s society, university is not the only way to get ahead. With the transformation of the technology industry, different job types can become high-tech, high-skill and high-income occupations. Therefore, we need to address this social and cultural issue and encourage parents to change their old thinking and actively motivate the younger generation to take up jobs that can give them a great time and stable income based on their interests.

Thank you, Deputy President.

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