MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, as the saying goes “there is a black sheep in every flock”, any institutions or industries in the world are bound to have some bad elements. In this Council, there are also Members who keep speaking sophistry and talking nonsense. It is most unfortunate and saddening that no one is here to “deal with” him, and so he can keep speaking using sophistry.
Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung has said just now that the insurance industry is not attending to its proper business, I think he has offended over 80 000 insurance intermediaries, many of whom serve their clients with great devotion, and this comment is an great insult …
(Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung stood up and spoke loudly)
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Mr CHAN, please hold on. Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, what is your point?
MR LEUNG KWOK-HUNG (in Cantonese): Has he the wisdom to listen to others’ comments? I said as a trade and in the history of capitalism, the insurance industry …
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, this is not your turn to speak. Please do not interrupt another Member’s speech. Sit down immediately.
(Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung spoke loudly while walking out of the Chamber)
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, stop causing a hubbub.
Mr CHAN Kin-por, please continue with your speech.
MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung said the insurance industry was not attending to its proper business. Such a remark is a grave insult to the 80 000-odd insurance intermediaries as many of them work long hours to serve their clients whole-heartedly.
I agree that some intermediaries may have committed misconduct but we will spare no efforts in cracking them down. I believe there are only a few black sheep, while most of the intermediaries are devoted in their work. How can Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung make such a comment, if he still has a little conscience, he should apologize to all insurance intermediaries in Hong Kong.
President, I fully support the motion of having the Bill read the Third time. I hope the Government will, apart from doing the transitional work properly, sincerely make greater efforts in resolving the outstanding problems and properly addressing the concerns of the 80 000-odd intermediaries. The authorities should also conduct comprehensive consultations accordingly, so that the whole insurance industry would provide the best services and products for all clients in a professional manner.
Thank you, President.