MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): On behalf of the Independent Police Complaints Council (“IPCC”), I present its seventh Report since its incorporation in 2009. This Report covers the financial year ending 31 March 2016.
In the year 2015-2016, IPCC scrutinized and endorsed the findings of 1 784 complaint cases involving 3 360 allegations, a decrease of 20.4% and 17.8% respectively over the previous year. Among the allegations endorsed in this financial year, the most common allegations were “Neglect of Duty”, “Misconduct/Improper Manner/Offensive Language” and “Assault”, etc. These three types of allegations accounted for 88.7% of all allegations made in 2015-2016.
Of the allegations endorsed in 2015-2016, 1 206 were fully investigated. Of these, 81 were classified as “Substantiated”; 60 “Substantiated Other Than Reported”; 22 “Not Fully Substantiated”; 523 “Unsubstantiated”; 469 “No Fault” and 51 “False”. These figures include 132 allegations of which classification was changed from that earlier conducted by the Police following queries raised by IPCC. In 2015-2016, IPCC raised a total of 793 queries or suggestions in respect of the cases endorsed. Among them, 381 were accepted by the Police.
Under the Observers Scheme, 1 704 observations were conducted in 2015-2016, including the observation of interviews and collection of evidence, accounting for 88.4% of the total number of observation notices issued by the Complaints Against Police Office. During the reporting period, IPCC has interviewed two persons to seek clarification from them on matters relating to the investigation reports.
In addition to monitoring complaint investigations carried out by the Complaints Against Police Office, IPCC also strives to strengthen engagement with the Police and stakeholders on issues of public interest. IPCC hopes to raise public awareness on its functions through engagement with stakeholders from various social sectors.
President, on behalf of IPCC, I wish to take the opportunity of tabling this Report in this Council to thank Members and other stakeholders for their support of IPCC’s work.
President, I so submit.