MR CHAN KIN-POR (in Cantonese): President, does the FEHD issue to the applicants for a temporary licence a list setting out all the relevant requirements? Besides, has the authority concerned set any performance pledge for the applicants to make better planning?
SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS (in Cantonese): President, many organizers or contractors applying for the licence are well aware of the approval procedures. In fact, the relevant departments will communicate with the organizers concerned when processing their licence applications. In some cases, we may inform the organizer of certain licencing conditions, and the organizer would revise or improve its facilities accordingly. This approval system has been operating effectively. But in some cases, the organizer may set up temporary structures when the event is about to commence. Under these circumstances, the relevant departments can only announce or elaborate the final requirements after conducting site inspections to examine the completed structures. If the facilities are in compliance with the requirements, we will surely issue the temporary licence according to the established procedures. But if they are not, we will be unable to issue a temporary licence.
Mr CHAN Kin-por asked if there is any room for improvement. We have considered whether a time limit can be set. The existing practice requires any organizer who plans to set up outdoor performance facilities to submit an application 42 days in advance. We are now considering whether a time limit can be set on the day when the event will commence for both sides to reach a decision. To a certain extent, however, this can be difficult as different requirements are imposed on different performances and events. Hence various departments will keep communicating with the industry and organizers concerned.